The booking process varies from person to person based on their unique needs and timetable. The first step every prospective tenant takes is contacting Corporate Housing of Kansas City, either by submitting a booking form online or calling us directly.
In most cases, we can discuss our available units and the details of our corporate leases in Kansas City over a phone call. Once you’re ready to book your apartment, we’ll take you through the application process.
The apartment complex at Town Center, Park Place, requires all tenants to undergo a background check. You’ll fill out a paper form and submit an application fee, which covers the cost of the background check.
Once approved by the apartment complex, you will sign a lease with us, pay your first month’s rent, and get ready to move into your home away from home. We understand that some clients may require rapid housing, so we can take you through the booking process quickly to get you into your apartment within just a couple of days.